Writing Update!

This week, we worked hard to add new chapters to our All About books.  So far, the kids have learned the following pages: how-to, different kinds of, diagram (parts of), fun facts (list), and a teaching story.  Then, later in the week, we tried some new kinds of writing.  The kids used the list paper and turned it into quiz pages, where they asked questions from their All About books and then made an answer page to follow.   They were all so willing to try new kinds of writing!! I can’t wait to see these All About books all put together!

Writing Update

We introduced All About books.  The first All About book that we studied was Gail Gibbons’ The Pumpkin Book. We noticed that it has a how-to page, a diagram picture, a list of different kinds of pumpkins, the history of pumpkins, and so forth. The kids started to think of different topics that they know a lot about and could use as a topic for an All About book. They made a list of good topics and then chose one. We started making a table of contents of chapters we might want in our book. They learned how All About books often have a different kinds of page to show off different parts of their topic. Room 102 had tons of fun starting this page! Next we will have fun creating our diagram page, list page, how-to, and a teaching page!

How-To Writing Celebration!

Our writers have been doing an awesome job working on their “How-To” stories!  We had a mini celebration on Monday to honor all their hard work!  The kids were put into small groups where they had to act out the different “How-To” stories.  We had a wide range of things to learn, from hula hooping to riding a dirt bike!  Enjoy the pictures!

Miss Taber 🙂

Writing Update!

This week, we started back into writing by jumping back to writing stories and the kids had so many to tell after break.  It was fun to read about some of the things that you guys did over break.

We then got back to work on our How-To teaching stories.  We introduced different How-To Helpers that the students could include in their teaching How-To stories to help their readers understand their directions better.  Some of our helpers included: how-to titlepictures that teachorderwords (first, next, then…), all the tools listed that we need, etc.

We also had the kids try adding warnings into their how-to stories to give extra information to help their readers get it right.  For example, one of our students wrote about making toast and added the warning: Be careful, it is hot!  And another student, teaching us how to feed a fish, added: Be sure not to add too much food, or the fish will get sick!

These how-to’s are great and full of character!  We are planning on having a small celebration on Monday to conclude our study of how-to writing before we start working on our All About books.

Writing Update

This week, we started our new unit of writing.  We started off by writing stories that teach our readers how to domake, or play something.  The writers jumped right into the writing, choosing to teach us how to ride a bike, make toast, write letters, draw a stick person, get dressed, and brush your teeth… just to name a few.  We then had a blast checking to see if our directions worked and made sense by having a partner act out each step for us to watch.  It was fun to see them collaborate with each other to change and add where they had missed steps!