WEB & End of the Year!

1st Grade Celebration: Every year, we look forward to celebrating the end of the year together outside with bubblessidewalk chalkpopsicles, and fun!  We are all stocked up on FUN, but…we would LOVE if you would add bubbles, LARGE bubble wands (Dollar Tree)or sidewalk chalk to one of your shopping lists in the next few weeks.  We hold our celebration on the second to last day of school (June 5), so if you are willing to help supply us, you can feel free to send in your goodies anytime before the second to last day of school. Thanks so much!

WEB READING: To our wonderful and consistent WEB reading volunteers…THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I couldn’t have done it without you…trust me, I have tried…it doesn’t work.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your time spent at school reading with our first graders!

Friday, May 24, will be our last day of WEB reading.  Thank you for your commitment to our readers!

WEB Reading!

It has been fun getting to know our students better and better each day.  After practicing reading for a few weeks now, we are ready to start up our WEB reading program.  WEB stands for Wonderfully Exciting Books…even though the books might not always excite you, it will be Wonderfully Exciting to watch our students soar through Book after Book and grow as readers this year!!

As we are just starting up this program today, you might find your student coming home with a book that is very easy for them.  We do want all WEB books to be an easy read, but we are also in the process of assessing all students and are working on meeting with each student individually to find their independent reading level.  When we assess each child, we look to see that they are able to read the words correctly, use good fluency, and are able to understand what they read.   We have introduced the Shape GO! Map to our classes and are training our students to use this as a guide when they are retelling a story to make sure they include all details and events.  This is a new tool and until our students are able to consistently retell a story with all the details and events, we want them to practice with easier stories.  We will continue to work with and assess your student’s ability to read and fully retell a story throughout the year and then move your child up to his/her independent level.

Thanks so  much to all of you for taking time to read with your child each night!  I am also VERY appreciative of our volunteer parent readers that will start next week.  This program would not be possible without you and I am truly thankful for your dedication to our readers!  We can’t wait to see you each day, starting this coming week!  🙂


Thank you so much for your encouragement and patience this first week of our WEB reading program.  We are off to a great start at home and at school!!  Our parent volunteers have been absolutely wonderful and speedy fast – trying to make sure that every child has a chance to practice their book again at school each day.  🙂

There have been some questions about the Parent Response Note and Reading Strategy Card that I wanted to address.  On Monday, a Parent Response Note was added to each child’s WEB bag.  Please fill out this slip each day after you read with your child.  Our Monday parent volunteers will collect the note out of your child’s bag and add a new slip to replace it for the next week.  I appreciate your input so much as you and your child check a box each day.  Remember, your child’s book should be an easy read to encourage confidence and promote reading enjoyment. 🙂

The Reading Strategy Card has not yet been added to your child’s WEB bag.  We are currently learning about many strategies to help us decode words and become accurate readers at home and at school.  When we have finished learning these strategies I will add this card to your child’s WEB bag.  Until then, encourage your child to “Get their lips ready”, “Use their Eagle Eyes”, “S-T-R-E-T-C-H it out” and/or “Look for Chunks” if he or she is stuck on a tricky word.

A new tool that will be added to your child’s WEB bag is our Check for Understanding.  Please check the blog again tomorrow for a post explaining how to use this tool to promote comprehension! 🙂

Thanks so much!!!!

WEB Reading!

Below is the tentative schedule for our WEB reading program.  I used your child’s name to mark the day of the week that I currently have you scheduled for.  Unless otherwise noted, I am planning on you to come every week.  Please look over this schedule and let me know if the day of the week and time still work well for you by sending me an e-mail.  I am very flexible, so if you need to switch days or would like to volunteer on a biweekly or monthly basis, just let me know- you will be a huge help!

I would like to send out the revised schedule no later than Friday.  This schedule will include details about what to do and where to meet me on your first day, which will be next week!  Please e-mail back before then to let me know if your scheduled day sounds okay.

If your child’s name is not listed on the chart above, but you would like to volunteer, just send me an e-mail with your availability.


I can’t wait to get this program up and running!!!  It plays such an important role in your child’s growth as a reader, and I could not manage it without your help!!!


Thanks so much!


Miss Taber 🙂