Writing Update

This week, the students got back into our study of Angela Johnson’s writing.  We reviewed what we already know about her as a writer: she adds ellipses to slow down her readers and add suspense.  We read another book of hers,Do Like Kyla, and noticed that she had some words in her book that she repeats over and over again.  The kids called these repeat words.  We also noticed that her repeat words weren’t just any words, she had chosen words that helped readers to not forget the main idea or heart of her story.  We had so many kids try putting again and again words into their stories to help us not forget the heart of their stories, and they turned out so cute!  Way to go first graders for trying something new to make your stories even better!!  🙂

Reading Update

In Readers’ Workshop this week, the students continued to practice making connections to stories we read. While reading the books I Was So Mad and Koala Lou we jotted down their different connections.  We picked a specific part in the story that reminded us of something in our own lives and shared how it made us feel.  If we’ve had a similar experience, we know just how the character feels. Sometimes these connections can even help us predict what might come next in a story.  The students have really enjoyed sharing their connections with the rest of the class.  We will continue this week looking more into connecting to the heart of the specific page or the story to help us understand.

In our spelling words, we have noticed a pattern that sometimes S says /s/ and other times S says /z/.  We discussed how there are consonants that make more than one sound (just like our vowels).

Miss Taber 🙂