Social Studies Update

During our Social Studies time, we continued talking about the expectations in first grade.  The students have been doing a great job recognizing behavior that will help them “Clip Up” and have been working hard to avoid things that may cause them to “Clip Down”.  An important thing for all the students to remember is that they always have the chance to move their clip back up!

We also learned that each one of us carries an invisible bucket each day.  We talked about how to be “Bucket Fillers” and not “Bucket Dippers”.  We want to work hard to make sure everyone’s bucket is full and we can do that by saying or doing nice things to them.  The good news is… when we fill someone else’s bucket, we fill ours, too!

The third thing that was introduced this week was how to give someone, “A Bug and a Wish”.  Often there are times when a friend does something that bothers us and this is a great way to practice using our kind words and being polite.  For example, “It bugs me when you follow me around and I wish you would please stop.”  This allows the kids to communicate with each other and work on their problem solving skills.

We began the week by celebrating Constitution Day!  We talked about all of our Georgetown Rules and had a discussion about how the United States has a set of rules, too.  We talked about the importance of working together to make sure everyone understood and agreed.  The last thing we did was… make a constitution of our own!  It is up in our classroom to remind us of how to be a good classroom citizen and friend to others!

Social Studies Update

During our Social Studies time this week, we continued talking about the expectations in first grade.  We introduced a mini rainbow chart that each student keeps at their desk to monitor individual positive behavior.  The students have been doing a great job recognizing behavior that will help them “Clip Up” and have been working hard to avoid things that may cause them to “Clip Down”.  An important thing for all the students to remember is that they always have the chance to move their clip back up!

We also learned that each one of us carries an invisible bucket each day.  We talked about how to be “Bucket Fillers” and not “Bucket Dippers”.  We want to work hard to make sure everyone’s bucket is full and we can do that by saying or doing nice things to them.  The good news is… when we fill someone else’s bucket, we fill ours, too!

The third thing that was introduced this week was how to give someone, “A Bug and a Wish”.  Often there are times when a friend does something that bothers us and this is a great way to practice using our words and being polite.  For example, “It bugs me when you follow me around and I wish you would please stop.”  This allows the kids to communicate with each other and work on their problem solving skills.

We wrapped up the week by celebrating Constitution Day!  We talked about all of our Georgetown Rules and had a discussion about how the United States has a set of rules, too.  We talked about the importance of working together to make sure everyone understood and agreed.  The last thing we did was… make a constitution of our own!  It is up in our classroom to remind us of how to be a good classroom citizen and friend to others!

Miss Taber 🙂