:::Supply List:::

Happy Summer!!!!   As the back to school ads come out, our class supply list hopefully will allow you plenty of time to get your child ready for second grade and maybe find a GREAT deal! :).

Here is the suggested list of materials your child will need for second grade:

*  1″ Binder with pockets in the inside cover

* Composition Book, wide ruled

* 4 Dry Erase Markers labeled with your child’s name 

*  1 Pencil box

*  Sticky Notes

* Markers or Colored Pencils

* 2 Glue Sticks

* A pair of blunt child’s scissors labeled with your child’s name

* A clean pair of tennis shoes for gym (they don’t have to be new)

* A pair of earbuds to be used with our classroom ipods.  Please put your child’s name on the headphones/earbuds (a piece of tape on the cord works well).

* TWO containers of disinfecting wipes

* A box of Kleenex

*1 game (to keep at school for the school year) your child can teach the rest of the class how to play during indoor recesses.  It can be returned at the end of the year.  Please write your child’s name on the box or bag.

Here are some other supplies that we use quite a bit within our classroom and would appreciate any donations.  These same items will be posted on our giving tree as we get closer to the fall as well.

* Antibacterial Wipes

* Kleenex

* Dry Erase Markers (We use these EVERYDAY :))

* Red ink pens

* Gallon Size Ziplocs

* Sandwich Size Ziplocs

* Sidewalk Chalk

* Band Aids

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at aray@hpseagles.net.

Ms. VanderStel… is going to Africa!!

This summer Georgetown’s 3rd grade teacher and our very own classroom mom, Ms. VanderStel, will be spending three weeks doing research and working in Africa. She will be teaching African children in a school called St. Timothy’s. Education is extremely important in African culture and their needs are very different from our needs in regards to their education. When asked what they needed, they simply stated three basic things: paper (notebooks), pens, and chalk. She would love it so much if she could bring them the supplies that they need for learning. If you would like to help her support this school and these students, there will be a bin outside the office to collect supplies from May 6-17. Shipping costs are also expensive. If you would rather make a donation to help with shipping costs, please send it to school with “Ms. VanderStel – Africa donation” written on the envelope! Any extra amount given beyond the shipping will be used to buy more supplies.

This is a great way to show our support in our very own classroom! 🙂

Hakuna matata! 🙂

Back to School!

Welcome to first grade!

I am so excited to be your child’s teacher this year. I know that back to school sales will be coming soon and if you are as eager as I am to catch all the good deals, check out the link below to see what your first grader will need for this coming year. I will provide most of the essentials, but a few highly recommended items include: a backpack, gym shoes, a pencil box, a box of tissues, a box of dry erase markers, and a box of band aids.

School Supplies – Have fun shopping!

Miss Taber 🙂