Writing Update

Our second grade writers have been learning how to write a review by using persuasive language.   We have children writing reviews about restaurants, movies, books, fun places to go and games.   We like to think of opinion writing like an OREO:


We know that the filling in an OREO is in the middle so we want to include 3 or 4  reasons and examples.

They are doing an awesome job trying to get their reader to think the same way they do!

Writing Update!

This week, we continued to work on writing persuasive letters.  The kids have loved sending the letters on their way and hearing the responses that come back!  Some of the students have been successful in persuading their audience and some have not, but I think they are equally motivated by both.  To make our letters the most persuasive they can be, the kids have learned to add the following to their letters:


An OPINION of something to be changed/fixed

REASONS why it should be changed/fixed

A possible SOLUTION to the problem

and a CLOSING with their SIGNATURE


We are back into the swing of things and what a GREAT week we had! It’s amazing to me how much these little ones seem to grow over the break! It sounds like everyone has been busy, but also very excited to be back at school! This week was full of review! Routines and procedures have been practiced over and over to review and refine! We are starting many new units- which have proved to ignite some major excitement within the room!

Reading – The first graders worked hard on a new compression strategy…VISUALIZING!  We talked about how good readers think while they read and one of the ways that they are thinking is by making a picture in their head while they read.  We focused on how good readers visualize…to understand their story better, by using their schema and the words, and by changing their picture as their story changes. We had a blast starting out visualizing poems. This week we will focus on stories to help the kids focus on the pictures they create in their minds as they listened.  The kids were great at explaining their pictures by pointing out their schema or clues from the words that shaped their pictures.

Writing – We have been studying books that contain letter writing and persuasion. We have also written a pre-assessment piece to begin the unit. Next week we will focus on different topics we can write an opinion letter on. We learned that a writer finds topics through their strong feelings. We’ve started the discussion with things like: later bedtimes, eating (or not eating) vegetables at dinner, watching certain movies or TV shows, and wanting toys or games. This is a fun unit for our kids!

Math – We have come to one of the trickier concepts in this Math unit- using doubles to help solve equations. Using doubles to add is a strategy that will prove very helpful when we are solving equations that are close or similar to doubles. (i.e. 6+6=12 is similar to 6+7=13) Be sure to practice you child’s doubles facts to 20, extra practice at home will help them use this strategy effectively! The other concept we worked on this week was to decompose 2-digit numbers into tens and ones. We can take a number such as 46 and think of it as 4-tens and 6-ones. This skill is vital to being able to add 2-digit numbers! Counting by 10’s and switching to 1’s is something we will be practicing often to make sure that we are ready to add larger equations!

Persuasive Writing!

Many of you are saying to yourselves…really?! In FIRST GRADE?! Believe it or not we are beginning our brand new unit of writing persuasive letters. So far the kids are having a blast! We began by reading I Wanna a Iguana and discussing how Alex wrote letters to his mother trying to persuade her to get him an iguana. This sparked a huge conversation of how we all have wants, needs, opinions and beliefs. We learned that one way people have their opinions heard is by writing persuasive letters. I asked them to think about things they felt were unfair or they wished they could change… and boy did the gates open! We talked about how opinion letters included: greetings, conclusions, their opinion of change, solutions, and reasons why this change would work.

The excitement the students have for this unit is sure to make these letters so much fun to read! I will be sending a note home tomorrow letting you know how you can be of help to us during this unit of study!

If some of your kiddos have brought home a letter, be open to discussion and you may even write them back. 🙂  We talked about how we might not get the change or the need that we want, but to work on being persuasive and making a positive change happen.

Thanks for all the support coming from home! 🙂