
Informational: Your writers are making such great progress with their informational writing. We are working hard to make sure we include an introduction to our writing. “I will teach you about…” or asking a question at the beginning… “Do you know about dogs? I will teach you.” After the topic has been introduced, they are working hard to add at least 3 facts about the topic. We have practiced using the words: can, have, are as a guide to help us write. “Dogs can bark. Dogs have four legs. Dogs are animals.” At the end of our writing we have learned to wrap it up by reminding the reader what they learned about. “Now you know about dogs.” Please continue to have conversations with your child about ideas they can write about.


Narrative: We are continuing to work hard with our 3 page stories! It is so important that each page goes together. We have been talking about transition words in our writing… what happened first? Next? Last? Your writers know that they should be able to answer 2 questions after looking at the first page… the “Who?” and the “What?” We have been practicing our planning to make sure we know the words we are going to write. We have also been adding a feeling so the reader knows how the author felt. It is so much fun to see them grow as writers. Keep practicing those sight words!

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